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Karnatic Music

Indian music claims an antiquity of 3000 years. Traditionalists and historians conclusively agree that the chanting of the Samavedas may have been the most primordial form of music. The Samaveda is therefore considered the basis of music which may have evolved, through centuries, into its present form.

Karnatic music is the classical and endemic music of South India. It was much more popular and well established in all other South Indian states except Kerala. Kerala had its own unique musical tradition called Sopanam, which, though in principle, is very much similar to that of the Karnatic style but totally different in its rendition. It was only quite recently that Karnatic music established itself as a classical art form in Kerala.

Students of music are primarily taught the Sapta swaras or 7 notes. The Saptaswaras are the fundamentals or alphabets of classical music. These swaras or notes sung in various tonal inflexions form a raga. There are at least 4 rhythmic tempos or kaalams in classical music. The basic elements that make a musical rendering appealing are shruti (pitch), laya, taala (rhythm) and sahitya (thepoetry or the verses).

Compositions of Karnatic music are devotional in nature and classified as Varnas, kirthanas, javalis etc. These compositions by eminent composers, are set to specific ragas and taalas or ragamaalikas and taalamalikas (combinations of several raagas and taalas). There is a repertoire of more than a 100 ragas and 6-7 taalas to choose from.

It may be impossible to study all of the ragas and compositions for an individual in a lifetime, yet there have been great masters who have mastered and composed krithisin rare ragas, ragamaalikas and taalamalikas.

Music is also closely associated with dance and other performing arts. Dance becomes complete only there is vocal and instrumental music to accompany and support it. Good supporting music brings out the necessary bhava (emotion) in thedancer and a laya to the performance.

Music is considered to possess an ability to heal not just the body but also the soul.